

We are a fab lab we are strong in digtal fab, Iot, Media lab, ICT Lab, and tourism and we are also architect and designer and we know how to create art in landscape or in the nature for personal projects.

Target: Travel agencies and/or Tour Operators

Fields of Interest: Develop environmental sustainability tools, Improve Booking and Revenue Management, Improve communication and digital marketing with customers, Improve Customer Experience, Obtain and maintain quality of service parameters/improve automate operations

Provided Technologies: Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Automation, Chatbot, Cloud Computing, Contactless, Facial Recognition, Internet of Things, Online Sales, Sustainability, Virtual Reality

Company Website: https://spaziogeco.it

Name of Responsible Person: Luca De Sanctis

E-Mail: luca.d@spaziogeco.it

Address: Italy

Country: Italy

Problem Description

Create an "island that there is" in Italy hills to create relax in the nature, comfort, new art and media technology, suite to relax, space to have swim in a natural art park

Solution Description

Yes, create island in the Italian hills with art, technolgy, comfort and nature

Maturity: 5

Impact: 5

The Tourism4.0 project provides capacity building, technology transfer, support and assistance programme for tourism SMEs to help them adopt and leverage emerging digital technologies to improve their productivity, sustainability and business performance.

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