HomeListingO Gabinete

O Gabinete

We were recognized with a MUSE award from the American Alliance of Museums in the United States in 2019.

Target: Hospitality

Fields of Interest: Improve Customer Experience

Provided Technologies: Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things

Company Website: https://el-gabinete.com/

Name of Responsible Person: Carlos Mondragon

E-Mail: carlos@el-gabinete.com

Address: Portugal

Country: Portugal

Problem Description

We solve the problem of creating and delivering content to every visitor profile to cultural and natural heritage venues. This includes historical sites, museums, parks, wineries and monuments. Visitors to the public space have different needs and interests: they have different or limited time-frames to perform the visit, they speak different languages, or may have some visual or hearing disability. It is important because according to the Sustainable Development Goal 11 (Reduce Inequalities) we are focused in delivering content for all visitors providing quality content according to their needs and interests.

Solution Description

Yes, it is the best solution because we provide: - Offline content delivery if there is no internet connection - Can be used Indoors and Outdoors - Customized maps and Augmented Reality wayfinding - No downloads / It is based in a webapp - Automatic content translation and audios in 39 languages

Maturity: 3

Impact: 4

The Tourism4.0 project provides capacity building, technology transfer, support and assistance programme for tourism SMEs to help them adopt and leverage emerging digital technologies to improve their productivity, sustainability and business performance.

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