HomeListingImpactzero Software Lda (owner of TRAVIZCO)

Impactzero Software Lda (owner of TRAVIZCO)

We are Impactzero Software Solutions, in the market for the last 13 years, mostly working with banking systems. We just launched however an amazing product called TRAVIZCO, specifically oriented to the tourism industry, already available at the store. This product was BTW launched officially today in the MONCAO municipality in Portugal. We are creating a huge network. Currently we are trying to cover Portugal with some samples but the full functionality is only present in MONCAO. The product is an EU registered brand and is ready to be deployed anywhere in Europe.

Target: Travel agencies and/or Tour Operators

Fields of Interest: Develop environmental sustainability tools, Improve communication and digital marketing with customers, Improve Customer Experience

Provided Technologies: Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Chatbot, Cloud Computing, Data Analysis, Sustainability

Company Website: https://www.impactzero.pt/

Name of Responsible Person: Bernardo Machado

E-Mail: machadob@impactzero.pt

Address: Portugal

Country: Portugal

Problem Description

Inclusion, accessibility, standardization, universal audio guide. Instead of having too many non connected apps for tourism, we are building the ONE APP ANYWHERE concept. We want to make sure that you can visit places, whether you're already a senior, a child or even blind.

Solution Description

Yes, that's TRAVIZCO. Totally inclusive, multimedia, spots info triggered by geo-location configurable.

Maturity: 1

Impact: 5

The Tourism4.0 project provides capacity building, technology transfer, support and assistance programme for tourism SMEs to help them adopt and leverage emerging digital technologies to improve their productivity, sustainability and business performance.

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