We have a vast experience with international hotel chains in various departments. From revenue management, marketing, rooms operations, quality assurance and branding. We are flexible and tailor our services to what our client need.
Target: Hospitality
Fields of Interest: Improve Booking and Revenue Management, Improve communication and digital marketing with customers, Improve Customer Experience
Provided Technologies: Data Analysis, Online Sales
Name of Responsible Person: Sue Adam
E-Mail: suecia.hs@gmail.com
Address: Malta
Country: Malta
Problem Description
To support property owners who have ventured into the hospitality industry without previous experience. Properties can use hospitality professional service in specific tasks without incurring the burden of a full time position.
Solution Description
We provide revenue management service ( not automated ). Our experience and knowledge in this field has enabled us to support a local company build their own technology in revenue management and guest services.
Maturity: 5
Impact: 5