

We are 3 co-founders with demostrated track record, working in reputable companies from Portugal and abroad. We mixed up the experience of a architect/backend developer, a frontend developer and a manager/business developer.

We overcome the hard times during covid and keep working in our solution in our spare time, always believing we’re building something that will hugely improve the process of travel agencies and tour operators.

Target: Travel agencies and/or Tour Operators

Fields of Interest: Improve communication and digital marketing with customers, Improve Customer Experience, Obtain and maintain quality of service parameters/improve automate operations

Provided Technologies: Automation, Other

Company Website: https://go-er.com/

Name of Responsible Person: Jorge Félix

E-Mail: jorge.felix@go-er.com

Address: Portugal

Country: Portugal

Problem Description

GO-ER helps travel agencies and tour operators to easily create, edit and share the trip itineraries details they prepare for their clients. Whenever a detail of a trip changes ex: the accommodation, a flight detail, the starting hour of a visit, a pick-up time, etc the travel agency/tour operator can easily update it online, centrally in our tool, and directly notify clients about the itinerary updates. Clients can check updates using their mobile/tablet/computer. This way, travel agencies, and tour operators can digitalize and automate the way they communicate and update their clients by using only one channel and tool to manage it all. No more trip/itinerary multiple PDFs, faulty emails and odd phone calls - saving time, and money and hugely improving customer experience.

Solution Description

We believe it's the best solution because we're developing a core product with the main functionalities that are transversal to all our potential clients and then we can easily customize it according to the particular client needs and providers - a SaaS that is customization-ready.

Maturity: 2

Impact: 5

The Tourism4.0 project provides capacity building, technology transfer, support and assistance programme for tourism SMEs to help them adopt and leverage emerging digital technologies to improve their productivity, sustainability and business performance.

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© 2022 Tourism 4.0 | Co-founded by the COSME programme of the European Union