HomeListingEM2 d.o.o.

EM2 d.o.o.

We are a small company in which every person gives his all to make an impact in every solution we create for our customers. We have years of experience with working with domestic and foreign cusotmers and creating the best products for them.

Target: Hospitality

Fields of Interest: Improve Customer Experience, Obtain and maintain quality of service parameters/improve automate operations

Provided Technologies: Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Facial Recognition, Other

Company Website: https://www.em2.hr/

Name of Responsible Person: Kristijan Štefančić

E-Mail: kristijan.stefancic@em2.hr

Address: Croatia

Country: Croatia

Problem Description

We are trying to solve problems in activities related with ordering in restaurants, caffe bars and hotels by: - Improving the customer experience throughout the whole ordering and delivery process - Providing easy and fast order creation without waiting - Providing real time tracking of the order - Increasing the productivity of order management - Providing easy system setup by anyone, anywhere We find that in most servise facilities there is a problem with handling and managing the mass orders (especially throughout the summer) and keeping the customer happy.

Solution Description

This is the best solution because it will be available for everyone and give the customers ordering experience and possibilities that were not seen by many.

Maturity: 3

Impact: 5

The Tourism4.0 project provides capacity building, technology transfer, support and assistance programme for tourism SMEs to help them adopt and leverage emerging digital technologies to improve their productivity, sustainability and business performance.

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