HomeListingBusy Rooms

Busy Rooms

Busy Rooms platforms sit at the core of some of the world’s leading hotel and resort groups, tour operators, management companies, and destination organizations. We currently working in over 60 countries with over 2,000 customers.

Adaptable & Integrable – We integrate our solutions into your eco-system.
Brandable – We support our customers to brand their solutions.
Collaborative – We develop our solutions with our Customers.
Flexible – Select only the modules you need and upgrade anytime.
Easy-to-use – We focus on hassle-free experiences for our Users.
Connected – We help expose your rooms regionally and globally.

Target: Hospitality

Fields of Interest: Improve Booking and Revenue Management, Improve communication and digital marketing with customers, Improve Customer Experience, Obtain and maintain quality of service parameters/improve automate operations

Provided Technologies: Automation, Data Analysis, Internet of Things, Online Sales, Other

Company Website: https://www.busy-rooms.com/en

Name of Responsible Person: VP Sales EMEA

E-Mail: andrew@busy-rooms.com

Address: Malta

Country: Malta

Problem Description

Travel technology for the Hospitality industry is fragmented and the industry on the whole is a slow adopter of technology. As a result there are: -Too many legacy systems -Too many channels with complex extranets -Complicated hotel tech stacks -Lack of reporting -Lack of integrations -Lack of collaboration The Busy Rooms platform enables our clients to centralize and optimize the management of data. The Busy Rooms platform offers an adaptable, brandable, and scalable cloud-based Central Reservation System designed to be the control center for our clients daily sales, marketing, operational, and revenue management activities for accommodation providers.

Solution Description

1. Centralized and Integrated – more access, more power! -Multi-property control centre and dashboard -User hierarchy and role management -Business rule engine automates your strategy -Custom email management -Competitor rate & review monitoring -Built-in cost centre management -Transaction reconciliation & invoicing -Essential and custom reporting -Built-in basic Property Management -Revenue Management Systems -API integrations at various levels and modules 2. Seamless Content Management System – save time, less hassle -Leverage a fully branded mobile first template website or build your custom website with your own design deployed on our easy-to-use content management system. Integrate or create your own loyalty program 3. Omnichannel Distribution - more exposure, more sales -Integrate a multi-property and packaging booking engine to your own website or have custom booking engine and website all-in-one. -Connectivity with over 500 OTAs, wholesalers, tour operators, Airlines, GDSs, and -Metasearch -Open your own travel agent portal and voucher shop -Empower call centre agents with an optimized Central reservations office including groups/trips reservations 4. Connectivity – more efficient, less errors -Reservation delivery or 2-way connectivity with over 50 PMSs -Integrations with CRMs, CRSs, RMSs, IBEs, conversion tools, and much more

Maturity: 4

Impact: 5

The Tourism4.0 project provides capacity building, technology transfer, support and assistance programme for tourism SMEs to help them adopt and leverage emerging digital technologies to improve their productivity, sustainability and business performance.

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