

We are a smart group of motivated & hardworking people. We are great at solving real-world problems and building world-class products.

Target: Hospitality

Fields of Interest: Improve Booking and Revenue Management, Improve Customer Experience, Obtain and maintain quality of service parameters/improve automate operations

Provided Technologies: Automation, Cloud Computing, Data Analysis

Company Website: https://bookia.mt/

Name of Responsible Person: Ben Vincenti

E-Mail: ben@bookia.eu

Address: Malta

Country: Malta

Problem Description

We have 2 products: 1 - Bookia - https://Bookia.mt Bookia.mt is an easy to use restaurant discovery and booking platform. The platform boasts over 300 medium-to-high-end restaurants in Malta & Gozo and allows people to easily discover and search for restaurants based on a large number of criteria such as cuisine, locality, pet friendliness, Michelin rating etc. Each restaurant listing contains high quality photos, a description of the restaurant, the cuisine, amenities as well as reviews which guests can review prior to booking. The platform allows guests to book online without needing to call, message or book. Moreover, guests receive booking confirmation via email and SMS instantly or within 1-2 minutes at most. The guests also receive on-the-day reminders whenever they book in advance and they are also invited to leave a review at the restaurant they would have dined out at. Furthermore, Bookia.mt is backed by a world-class Customer Service team who not only processes bookings for people who choose to call in, but is also available to help guests with any questions they have, and even proactively reaches out to them to help them find and book alternative restaurants when their first preference is fully booked. Our users love the service we give and this can be seen in the raving reviews we get which can be seen here. Bookia.mt is Malta's only homegrown and also happens to be the largest restaurant booking platform on the island. It is built by a motivated & hardworking Maltese team and we're happy to say that over 91,000 diners have dined out through the platform, with over 40% of these being expats and tourists. 2 - Tableo : https://tableo.com Tableo is a reservation management platform, created for the modern restaurant manager who wants to make their life easier and is tired of dealing with endless phone calls for table bookings, and constant distractions to replying to messages on social media. It is for the restaurant manager who wants to ditch the old paper diary for a digital solution that is super easy to use and requires very little training for staff to operate. It is for the restaurant manager who wants to reduce no-shows and increase table turn-around. It is for the restaurant that wants to increase online visibility and automatically take online bookings from their website, their social media pages, Messenger, and Google Search/Google Maps.

Solution Description

Yes - see previous explanation

Maturity: 4

Impact: 5

The Tourism4.0 project provides capacity building, technology transfer, support and assistance programme for tourism SMEs to help them adopt and leverage emerging digital technologies to improve their productivity, sustainability and business performance.

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© 2022 Tourism 4.0 | Co-founded by the COSME programme of the European Union