

Clariter Group

Artificial Intelligence Automation Blockchain Cloud Computing Data Analysis Internet of Things Other

We can work specific needs with our methodologies to address them and create the solutions that are expected by the Tourist.

Country: Portugal

Clariter Group

Automation Other

Definitively yes, it is the best because combines technology, expertise and the voice of the real customers.

Country: Spain

O Gabinete

Artificial Intelligence Augmented Reality Cloud Computing Internet of Things

Yes, it is the best solution because we provide: - Offline content delivery if there is no internet connection - Can be used Indoors and Outdoors - Customized maps and Augmented Reality wayfinding - No downloads / It is based in a webapp ...

Country: Portugal


Artificial Intelligence Automation Chatbot Data Analysis Online Sales

Yes, we got two solutions: An AI system that scrapes tour offers and automatically add them to any platform and a White label solution for Hotels and Travel Agencies to increase their revenue by selling tour and activities.

Country: Portugal


Artificial Intelligence Augmented Reality Automation Chatbot Cloud Computing Contactless Facial Recognition Internet of Things Online Sales Sustainability Virtual Reality

Yes, create island in the Italian hills with art, technolgy, comfort and nature

Country: Italy
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The Tourism4.0 project provides capacity building, technology transfer, support and assistance programme for tourism SMEs to help them adopt and leverage emerging digital technologies to improve their productivity, sustainability and business performance.

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© 2022 Tourism 4.0 | Co-founded by the COSME programme of the European Union