


Automation Cloud Computing CyberSecurity

Enhanced customer services.

Country: Malta


Automation Cloud Computing CyberSecurity Data Analysis Sustainability

Similar to what we do with our customers, from various industry verticals, we tailor the approach to best suit the customers' needs in line with their business and technical requirements.

Country: Malta

Hospitality Solutions Ltd

Data Analysis Online Sales

We provide revenue management service ( not automated ). Our experience and knowledge in this field has enabled us to support a local company build their own technology in revenue management and guest services.

Country: Malta


Chatbot Data Analysis Online Sales Sustainability Virtual Reality

Yes, a mobile app with payment.

Country: Croatia


Automation Other

We believe it's the best solution because we're developing a core product with the main functionalities that are transversal to all our potential clients and then we can easily customize it according to the particular client needs and providers - ...

Country: Portugal



We are able to allocate professionals in the timing of the effective need of the hotel and restaurant operation, allowing us to eliminate labor shortages cost-effectively for the unit.

Country: Portugal


Contactless Online Sales Sustainability

It aggregates all the useful information of the Hotel in a single platform, Simple and intuitive application. Userfriedly backoffice that allows you to update content autonomously and remotely.

Country: Portugal



Yes. It is the best solution because the implementation of the Classihy feedback system allows to increase the efficiency of employees and organizations, as it allows their involvement in relation to their own performance. Classihy allows organiza...

Country: Portugal


Automation Internet of Things Online Sales Other

Digital Marketing automation systems.

Country: Spain

Bridgify Travel

Artificial Intelligence Automation Contactless Online Sales

We built a personalized itinerary planner, attraction marketplace and other content APIs.

Country: Other
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The Tourism4.0 project provides capacity building, technology transfer, support and assistance programme for tourism SMEs to help them adopt and leverage emerging digital technologies to improve their productivity, sustainability and business performance.

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© 2022 Tourism 4.0 | Co-founded by the COSME programme of the European Union