The TOURISM4.0 training program will start by mid-April. During 9 months beneficiaries will take part in an online training program. The training program consists of webinars, pills of knowledge, infographics, and documents with external linking resources. Topics of the webinars will be Technology and Solutions for Productivity and Low Carbon Solutions, and Resilience: Security and Compliance Guidance Solutions. In addition to the webinar, beneficiaries can watch twenty-minute learning sessions on the challenges and opportunities of the digital transformation of the tourism industry. Beneficiaries can get additional knowledge from infographics and external linking resources that will help readers gain an overview of the most diverse topics related to the tourism sector.
What is important is that beneficiaries must follow at least 3 pills of knowledge in order to achieve funding.
On the following link, you can see webinars calendar and watch all webinars that will be published in the future.