Unlock the opportunities of technology driven travel trends

The Tourism4.0 project provides capacity building, technology transfer, support and assistance programme for tourism SMEs to help them adopt and leverage emerging digital technologies to improve their productivity, sustainability and business performance.

Mobile phone is my main travel companion 🚀

Mobile phone is my main travel companion 🚀

Monica, 25

Stay relevant in fast-changing environment

Join us in building sustainable, productive, resilient and personalized tourism

Despite the specificities of each tourism sub-sector, sustainability, personalization, efficiency and productivity and safety are emerging as key drivers reshaping the future of the industry, in particular in the travel and hospitality sectors.

News and Events

Webinars & workshops

View Our Webinars and Take Your Skills to the Next Level

Webinars topics will be technology and solutions towards productivity and efficiency, digital sustainability and low carbon solutions, and resilience: safety and compliance-guidance solutions. In addition to the webinar, beneficiaries can watch twenty-minute learning sessions about challenges and opportunities of the tourism industry’s digital transformation.

Tourism 4.0 objectives

Generating sustainability through the development of digital business models

You can contribute

We are designing a new supporting innovation scheme and exploring new approaches to transnational cooperation and capacity building, with the overall aim of fostering the adoption of smart digital solutions.

You're a tourism SME
(problem owner)

Get digital support from experts, work together with technology providers in the conceptualization, assessment or piloting of innovative technologies with potential to drive productivity, boost the guest experiences or enhance the sustainability of the tourism offering.

You're digital/innovation SME or startup
(problem solver)

Engage, test and validate your value propositions with end-users (potential customers) in tourism sector. Grow and scale your business and open up international opportunities through matchmaking with international tourism stakeholders